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In Latin, docere means to teach. One of the tenets of naturopathic medicine is "doctor as teacher". As a Naturopathic Doctor, I am committed to providing health education to guide you towards optimal health.  Take a look around my site and get in touch to book a consultation.  You will also find access to many specialty tests that will help you learn more about how to address your health concerns.

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About Emily Cleveland, ND

Emily Cleveland, a Naturopathic Doctor, received her doctoral degree in 2009 from the National College of Natural Medicine, now the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in Portland, OR. Her approach to health begins with the belief that clients are best served when the physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional aspects of health are all considered and addressed. She emphasizes prevention of disease by promoting healthy lifestyle choices and whole foods nutrition. Dr. Cleveland splits her time between her Tennessee office and her office in Portland, Oregon.


Dr. Cleveland, as a certified provider of the Low Energy Neurofeedback System, has worked with a number of patients who have suffered from neurological, cognitive, and emotional difficulties after traumatic brain injury. These individuals often have trouble identifying the cause of their difficulties, because symptoms may not appear until many months after an injury.


With Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS), Dr. Cleveland has helped many individuals by reducing the frequency and severity of headaches; improving cognitive function, attention and focus; and alleviating anger, moodiness, anxiety, and insomnia; thus enabling many previously incapacitated individuals to return to their jobs. LENS is very effective at decreasing and, in some cases, completely resolving seizures.

Dr. Cleveland continues to be amazed by the brain’s ability to heal when given the right stimulation.


Dr. Cleveland has extensive knowledge in the care of various cardiovascular conditions, hormonal imbalances and difficulties with menopause, thyroid problems, weight gain, mast cell activation syndrome (MCAS) and histamine sensitivity, lyme disease, reactivated Epstein-Barr Virus, other chronic infections, as well as diabetes.


Training and Residency


Dr. Cleveland graduated from Earlham College in Richmond, IN with a bachelor’s degree in biochemistry. After finishing her four-year naturopathic medicine training, she completed her residency at the Center for Natural Medicine in Portland. Throughout this residency, while working with Martin Milner, ND and Peter Banitt, MD (interventional cariology), Dr. Cleveland received specific training in cardiovascular medicine, bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT), targeted amino acid therapy, weight loss, and compounded thyroid hormones.


Dr. Cleveland completed a one-year internship at NCNM working with individuals who were recovering from traumatic brain injuries. With this internship and additional training through Ochs Labs in Sebastapol, CA, she became a certified provider of LENS and is experienced in treating many conditions including attention disorders, migraines, seizures, chronic pain, anxiety, sleep disorders, depression, post-traumatic stress, attention and hyperactivity problems, reactive attachment disorder and the many symptoms resulting from traumatic brain injuries.


In her free time, Dr. Cleveland enjoys spending time with her family, barefoot running, biking, cooking and music.



Emily Cleveland, ND is a naturopathic doctor and she holds an active license in Oregon. She maintains an active practice in Oregon as a primary care physician.  As Tennessee does not currently recognize naturopathic doctors, Dr. Cleveland is not licensed to practice medicine in the State of Tennessee.  She has medical oversight from on-site licensed medical providers in her Tennessee office. We advise all who are interested in natural health consultations to maintain a primary care physician or other licensed medical provider.


103 West Tennessee Ave          Office Hours:

Oak Ridge, TN 37830               Mon: Closed

Ph: 865-272-9237                       Tues-Thurs: 8:30-5

Fax: 866-206-5290                      Friday: 8:30-5


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